Sunday, September 13, 2015

Hansel and Gretel: Tale VS Movie

Compare the original Grimm tale with the MGM version. What is different in the film? What is similar? Why did the movie directors make these changes?

NOTE: I’m calling the witch, Witch [as her name] so the flow will be a little better

            First off, Hansel and Gretel only went to the forest once, but got lost during that one visit. Being there was only one trip to the forest; the pebbles were completely taken out of the company. Again, with the single visit to the forest, the fire was also moved around. But at one point, when Hansel, Gretel, and their father went to the market [this visit was movie exclusive], Hansel was given a set of flints. The flints seem to be a replacement for the pebbles, but that may just be consistent with how the dad made the fire in the fairytale. Also, during the movie exclusive visit, the baker that swindled the dad out of his payment gave Gretel cookie crumbs to apologize for screwing over her dad. This change may have been made to exaggerate the poorness of Hansel and Gretel’s family.

Another difference between the original fairytale and the movie was the personality of the mother. (Pardon my language …) In the fairytale, the mother is a total bitch in her (guestproximate) 15 seconds of fame and was mentioned once when she was living and once when she had died. But in the movie, the mother came off as a bitch then became less bitchy then became a caring individual. When she hurt her children’s feelings, this made her feel remorse, to make her transition throughout the movie, smoother and not a complete 180ยบ. As mentioned in class, when the Grimm Brothers lost their mother, they were devastated because they looked up to her. This adaptation of the movie could be honoring later versions of the fairytale and make the mother a loving individual and living at the end of the movie.

The father was very similar between the fairytale and the movie but enhanced in the movie to give him some character, because a caring father is boring in a movie. In the movie, the father went on a journey to look for Hansel and Gretel. The odd thing is that the MOTHER was the one to suggest finding them.

The Hansel and Gretel movie actually had time pass, sort of. We saw day and night pass a few times. Also, as Hansel and Gretel were kidnapped by Witch, the dad was shown for a few moments at a time. Each time, he looked more and more tired and ready to pass out. He also looked like he was going to hallucinate.

            When Hansel and Gretel first saw Witch’s house, it seems like it is part of a hallucination, which is probably how Jacob and Wilhelm envisioned it. As the witch sung to Hansel and Gretel about how she would get fed, she popped her head out of the candy windows and said brutally honest things, (not an exact quote), “They will make a good meal”. This has nothing to do with this blog, but there was a Briar Rose reference, which was really cool and ironic. Back to the blog, the witch seemed to get high off of excitement, which again is probably how Jacob and Wilhelm imagined it. So, overall, the movie seemed to do a great job at bringing Witch to life.

            Hansel was adventurous in both the fairytale and the movie, but Gretel attained more self confidence in the movie. In both versions of Hansel and Gretel, Hansel told Gretel to shove the Witch into the oven, but in the movie, it seemed like that Gretel just knew to destroy the Witch’s looking glass. Even though Hansel implied it, Gretel had a look on her face that implied she just knew what to do. A movie exclusive scene was when Gretel switched Hansel and Witch when Hansel was almost killed.   

(Grab Bag Differences) The movie explained why Hansel and Gretel listened to Witch; she possessed them for a bit. I’m not sure how relevant this is but it looked like Gretel had a witch hand when she was mixing something for the Witch. The jewels and gems came from Witch’s scepter NOT her house. In the movie, Witch kidnapped about 10 other kids, and they were saved by Hansel and Gretel. As Hansel and Gretel were returning home, they ran into their dad. Any and all changes not discussed were made to make the movie longer and more entertaining.


This is Witch when she was initially showing Hansel and Gretel her candy house.


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